Hugo Boyano Escoz

Young man with glasses and blue sweatshirt.

Hey, I'm Hugo. Fullstack developer and open source contributor.


  • Project called 'Just Ask

    Just Ask

    • AstroJS
    • React
    • TypeScript
    • Tailwind CSS
    • Gemini

    Advanced platform for simulating job interviews.

  • Project called 'Hear Me Out

    Hear Me Out

    • React
    • TypeScript
    • Tailwind CSS
    • NestJS
    • MongoDB
    • Redis

    Real-time messaging platform with support for calls and groups.

  • Project called 'Asobu


    • Next.js
    • TypeScript
    • Tailwind CSS
    • OpenAI

    Innovative voice assistant that explores the versatility of AI, integrating music, navigation, translation and image recognition in a single platform.

  • Project called 'Job Ready

    Job Ready

    • React
    • TypeScript
    • Tailwind CSS
    • OpenAI

    Interview simulation platform with real offers, powered by InfoJobs and powered by AI. Search for an offer and face the interview!

  • Project called 'Proyectos Solidarios

    Proyectos Solidarios

    • AstroJS
    • Docker

    Web of the solidarity projects of the Instituto Nebrija de FormaciĆ³n Profesional. It shows all the projects, with a news section and a newsletter.

  • Project called 'Pikalang


    • Golang

    Compiler of a new programming language designed to be simple, easy and effective. It is written in Go and its syntax is inspired by several languages.

  • Project called 'Wikat


    • React
    • TypeScript
    • Tailwind CSS
    • NestJS
    • Redis
    • Docker

    Cat catalog where you can search for a cat's breed and explore all its characteristics.

  • Project called 'DockerHook


    • Golang
    • Docker

    Tool that facilitates the management of Docker containers through the use of WebHooks.

  • Project called 'DinamicJS


    • React
    • Redux
    • OpenAI

    Playground for JavaScript that executes your code and shows you the results instantly, in addition to offering many more features.

  • Project called 'DinamicJS Desktop

    DinamicJS Desktop

    • React
    • Redux
    • Electron
    • OpenAI

    Playground for JavaScript that executes your code and shows you the results instantly, in addition to offering many more features.

  • Project called 'Babel Plugin Auto Console Log

    Babel Plugin Auto Console Log

    • Babel
    • npm

    Plugin for Babel that automatically adds console.log() statements to JavaScript code, making code debugging easier.

  • Project called 'Photo Display

    Photo Display

    • React
    • Redux
    • NestJS
    • PostgreSQL
    • Docker

    Photo gallery platform that allows you to display all uploaded images through a URL.

  • Project called 'Discord Bot

    Discord Bot

    • Node.js
    • Docker
    • MongoDB
    • Redis

    Multipurpose bot for Discord. It offers music, entertainment and administration functions, including polls, ticketing system and Sourcebin support.

  • Project called 'Cloud Toolbox

    Cloud Toolbox

    • React
    • TypeScript
    • NestJS

    Platform that brings together tools for removing backgrounds, tagging images, capturing web pages and verifying document security.

  • Project called 'Image Uploader

    Image Uploader

    • NestJS
    • MongoDB
    • Docker

    Platform for uploading images that generates a link to access them.


  • Languages

    • JavaScript
    • TypeScript
    • Java
    • Golang
  • Frontend

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Sass
    • React
    • Next.js
    • Redux
    • Electron
    • AstroJS
    • Tailwind
  • Backend

    • NodeJS
    • ExpressJS
    • NestJS
    • MongoDB
    • PostgreSQL
    • MySQL
    • Redis
    • Firebase
    • GraphQL
  • Devops

    • Docker
    • Git
    • Github
    • Jest

About me

I'm Hugo! Software developer and open source contributor.

I enjoy creating quality products that provide excellent experiences and are useful for users. I collaborate on various open source projects, which has allowed me to meet new people and improve my soft skills.

Additionally, I have experience leading teams and mentoring colleagues, helping them improve and develop their technical skills. I am always looking to learn and improve.

Young man sitting on a rock overlooking the city.